Saturday, June 20, 2009

Made-up Chilaquiles

I must confess, I do not enjoy making breakfast. I love to cook dinner and dessert, am fine with putting together lunches, but I really have no love for making eggs, pancakes, waffles, etc. A nice strata (that goes in the fridge the night before) is fine, but getting up and cooking right away is not my thing. That said, I make breakfast all the time, particularly on the weekends, and I’m always looking for ways to mix it up a bit. Well, this week’s experiment was a huge hit... so great, in fact, that we made it two days in a row!

For whatever reason, when I woke up Saturday morning it occurred to me that I might be able to whip up some facsimile of chilaquiles with my leftover bean tostada ingredients. This is where the internet is my best friend. I Googled chilaquiles recipes, looked at about eight, pulled some stuff out of the fridge and started cooking. SO DELICIOUS!

Here were my made-up chilaquiles: I crisped strips of corn tortilla (which go stale almost immediately in the fridge) in some canola oil. I definitely used less oil than most recipes called for, but they crisped very nicely. Once the strips looked like chips, I lowered the heat and added a few beaten eggs and shredded some cheddar cheese on top. Once the eggs were about done (a few minutes), I threw in some spoonfuls of Aunt Jenn’s salsa (I should post her recipe... so easy, so garlic-y, so yum). Done.

Ben and Sophia and I just devoured these. They were so good, in fact, that Benji and I had them again for Father’s Day brunch, with leftover raspberry tart, coffee and pineapple orange juice mimosas! (I'll write more about the fabulous tart later today.)

I rarely experiment like this in the kitchen, and am really thrilled to have a new, crowd-pleasing, satisfying breakfast that turned out well the first time and uses up leftovers. Yeah for me!

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