Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grandma Lee’s Meatloaf with Mom’s Salad

Apparently this week’s theme is All-American cuisine. Tonight, I made several family favorites, recipes from the Grandmas Lee: my Grandma Lee, named Virginia Lois Lee, and Sophia and Joseph’s Grandma Lee, and my mom, Diana Kay Lee.

I got the original meatloaf recipe from my mom on the phone yesterday. The recipe card reads: “Maw Lee’s Meatloaf” and it’s dated 1967, the year my parents got married. It’s so simple but remarkably delicious, and one of my favorite weekly meals growing up. There are probably as many meatloaf variations as there are families. Our people surround the meatloaf with potato and yellow onion wedges and carrot pieces and add some water to the bottom of the pan. Yum.

This is the first time I’ve made traditional meatloaf. My only other foray into meatloaf was a pancetta-covered turkey meatloaf of Giada's, which is amazing, but not “real” meatloaf. I think tonight’s meatloaf had great flavor, but was perhaps a bit too dry.

I also made a simple salad with organic mixed greens, English cucumber, grape tomatoes and Mom’s most delicious celery seed dressing. It’s salad dressing like you’ve never tasted before—very Midwestern. What makes it taste Midwestern? Sugar and cider vinegar. Just the smell of it makes me nostalgic. 

A very homespun meal and a loving tribute to the wonderful Grandmas Lee.

1 comment:

  1. This one makes me teary. I love the ode. I would love this meal too, only I think I would love ketchup with my meatloaf (very Midwestern!)
    Your sugly ister
