Thursday, March 26, 2009

Steamed Artichokes & Abuelita

Yes, this is as weird as it sounds, but it’s a food moment in my life that I can’t let pass by without capturing. We’re having a snow day here in Colorado, so I made a tasty grownup lunch for Ben and myself while Sophia napped—sourdough (because I couldn’t find French bread), brie, steamed artichokes and red wine. I made an extra artichoke for Sophia to have after nap time.

As soon as she got up from her nap, Sophia bundled up and went out to try her new snowshoes with Ben. While they tromped in the snow, I made them Abuelita, the delicious cinnamon-y Mexican hot chocolate I got hooked on years ago in the Riviera Maya.

They came in, unbundled, and I served them each a steaming mug of cocoa. Sophia spied her artichoke and asked if she could have it with her Abuelita. Who am I to deny her midday veggies?

Ben and I watched in wonder as her cocoa was abandoned and grew cold, eschewed for a steamed artichoke.

Simply amazing!


  1. To be fair, the Abuelita quickly disappeared after she finished the artichoke....

  2. She's a smart child. Artichokes are yummy, and as a bonus, they're fun to eat.
